Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Rabbit Hole

So, reverse-stalking Theta has led me to a plethora of "Slenderblogs". Every one I click on leads me to five more. This is interesting, but I simply don't have the time to go through all of these. Most of them don't seem to be very good. I mean, a lot of them are really interesting. But I'm busy. Mid term paper is due tomorrow, Ben is a jackass, I've got my blogging, and still need to do Part 2 of MH, and the totheark videos. Plus I hear Every Man Hybrid is also good. I may want to check that out as well sometime.

So, in short, I'm procrastinating on my procrastination by doing the very thing that I'm procrastinating.



  1. Search "Splenderman" on youtube. You will laugh. =D

  2. Welcome to my recent days. Blogs, more blogs, even more blogs....

    It's tiring, but a fun way to kill five hours.

  3. Well, while I'm spreding you further into the slender verse...

    Both of the above are just funny when you need a little relief from Slender scaring you :3
