Monday, July 25, 2011

Marble Hornets Part 1

Well, I did say that I would be watching these. And it is light out, so here it goes. I'll try to get through all forty + of them, and type up my thoughts as I'm watching them. Well, this is just up to episode 26, but still. You know what I mean. It's sorta like a liveblog. I guess.


Alright, so I watched the Introduction and was largely unimpressed. I guess it was all important expository stuff, but somebody filming while they drive and superimposing text using Windows Movie Maker doesn't exactly make for a spooky video. Also, this narrator guy is totally nosy. What does he care what Alex does with the tapes? They're Alex's tapes, isn't it Alex's business what he does with them?

On an unrelated note: Holy shit guys. Did you realize you could just microwave bacon?

Entry 1

First off, what is that sound? I turned my volume up as high as it could go, but I still can't quite identify it. If anyone can tell me what it is, I'd be super grateful. Also, what's the deal with the guy with no face? I'm intrigued, I guess.

Entry 2

WHY IS THE AD BEFORE THE VIDEO LONGER THAN THE VIDEO ITSELF? YOUTUBE I AM DISAPPOINT! Not sure how I feel about the exposition in the white on black thingies. I know there's a technical term for it, I just don't know what it is, and don't care enough to google it. More driving. Great. What the hell is this shit? Ben, you said this was scary. You lied to me Ben. You're a liar. A dog got spooked by a tall guy. Ooooooh. Terrifying. 

Entry 3

...So Alex went insane and decided to film ALL THE THINGS! Yep. Sure am scared here.

Entry 4

Another sound I couldn't identify. First off, Alex what are you doing in a playground? You are far too old to be playing on swings. Onto more serious matters, the swings. They're swaying way too much for it to be just the wind, which means someone must have gotten off of them very recently. The image of Slender Man on a swing is just too funny to me. Oh right. Alex, how the hell did you lose sight of him? HE WAS THREE FEET AWAY!

Entry 5

Welp. The audio distortion scared the shit outta my cat. I suppose that counts for something. She was sleeping on my lap, and then the distortion was all "WASSHSWASSHWASSHWASSH" and she clawed the shit outta me in an attempt to get away. I blame you, Ben.

Entry 6

Ok. You win. This is kinda spooky.

Entry 7

"Stuck in a loop of unhappiness"? God this script sucks. He shoulda burned these tapes. Oh right. That Slender Man thing was there. Fucker can go out in the day too? That seems unfair. In fact, it's against the rules. 

Entry 8

Oh hey! It's a stick figure with that symbol Quezzy looked up. Huh.

Entry 9

Nothing of interest happened during the episode itself, but Ben IMed me. I'll just post that conversation, because it was orders of magnitude more interesting than listening to Alex bitch at his camera guy. 

   Ben 7:01 pm

 NoirCherube 7:01 pm

 Ben 7:01 pm
    Watching MH?

 NoirCherube 7:01 pm
    Yeah. Just got to entry nine. Way to give me a heart attack btws.

 Ben 7:02 pm
    Heh. You deserved it I'm sure.

 NoirCherube 7:02 pm
    Come over?

 Ben 7:02 pm
    Maybe. What's for dinner?

 NoirCherube 7:02 pm
    I was thinking Chinese.

 Ben 7:02 pm
    I kind of want pizza.

 NoirCherube 7:02 pm
    We had pizza last night.

 Ben 7:02 pm
    I assume that you didn't eat the rest of it while I was gone?

 Ben 7:03 pm
    Order your food and heat me up a slice of pizza. I'll pick it up on my way over.

 NoirCherube 7:03 pm

 Ben 7:03 pm
    I know.
    What name are you putting it under?

 NoirCherube 7:03 pm
    You'll see.

 Ben 7:03 pm
    So it'll be terribly embarrassing.

 NoirCherube 7:04 pm

 Ben 7:04 pm
    See you in a few.

 NoirCherube 7:04 pm

See? That was much more entertaining. For the record, Singapore Rice Noodles are the best. I just want that on record.

I mean, I get it. You need to show us that the stress is getting to Alex so much that it's affecting his personality. But that's just it. You never really established Alex's personality, so we can't tell that bitching at everyone isn't just his directing style. I mean, the only clips you've shown so far are him in the middle of whatever is going on. If it's changing him, we can't see it because we don't know how he was before he started changing. BASIC STORYTELLING. 

Entry 10

 What the fuck am I looking at? Running with the camera is totally gonna become a regular thing, isn't it?

Entry 11

Kinda spooky. I guess. Course, Ben had to go and make it worse for me by pounding on the door as loudly as if he wanted to break it down. That jerk.

Entry 12

Ok... Unrelated to this post, but I hear someone walking around upstairs. Ben is telling me that it's nothing, but I swear it's there. Aside from us there isn't anybody in the house, and both the cats are accounted for. He should go check to see what it was. Because I don't want to, and don't really care if he's the guest in this house.

Entry 13

Oh boy! More running with the camera. Marble Hornets Guys, why do you think we want to see blurry shots of the ground so much?

Entry 14

Well, that's disconcerting. Hey. The guy who plays Alex looks really familiar. I can't quite place him, but I think I've seen him before. Also, the blood looks super fake. Like the blood I used back when I worked that haunted house at our school. That was fun. And why to Slender Man's hands look like sock puppets?

Entry 15

Narrator has a NAME? Amazing. Also, more shots of the floor. So, Jay really sucks at interviews.

Entry 16

Jay is the noisiest home intruder ever. Seriously. It's like he's not even trying to be quiet. Dude. This is not a video game. You can't just pick up whatever you see.

Entry 17

First off, HOW ARE THESE PEOPLE NOT NOTICING THE DUDE STANDING RIGHT IN THE WINDOW? Secondly amnesia? Really? Marble Hornets, I am disappoint.

Entry 18

Alright. Guy in the mask is pretty damn scary. I swear to God Ben, if you get one of those masks and try anything I will go on that revenge crabs site. Then who will be laughing?

Entry 19

Wait. totheark response video? Crap. I guess I'll have to go back and watch that. ...What. The. Fuck. So, this totheark guy is totally nutzo? Is he the same guy as the guy in the mask? And the guy in the mask looks a bit like that Tim guy. Are they meant to be the same person? Or are they just recycling actors? Or am I totally off base? And Jesus Christ Mask Guy/totheark is scary. What the fuck? What the fuck? It's like he's staring into my soul. What is this? No really. What the fuck.

Entry 19.5

Nice to have a bit of a breather after the pure terror that was Entry 19. Although, it does beg the question, why didn't Jay make this sooner?

Entry 20

WAITWAITWAITWAITWAIT! Hold up. Is that jacket the same one Mask Guy was wearing? Imma go back and check. It is! Hah! Told you Tim and Mask Guy were one in the same. I knew it. I deserve some dessert. And I've figured out who Alex reminds me of. He looks a lot like my friend Garret. 'Cept Garret's younger. He just graduated High School back in June. So, you know.

Entry 21

Was there a cat in that hole? I think there was a cat in that hole. Why was there a cat in that hole? And that does not look safe Jay. Get down from there. You're gonna break your neck.

Entry 22

 Wait. Who are Zack and Sarah? Did I miss something?

 Entry 23

Why the fuck do you keep going back to that house? Nothing good ever happens to you there. As for the rest of it. Why do the doors not lead where they're supposed to? This is some Silent Hill shit right here. Remember Silent Hill 2, the Stairs of Fire scene. Same thing happened, 'cept it was only once and it led to the same room just on fire. I know there's another example like that, I just can't think of it right now.

Entry 24

Ok. After the landscape trickery that was the last episode, this was not wholly unexpected. Still pretty creepy.

Entry ######

 Did totheark hack Jay's channel? That's not very nice of you totheark. It sounded like a warning. Maybe totheark is a good guy? Or at least on Team Jay for now. Maybe a double agent.

Entry 25

You know, I'd put money on whoever set the fire knowing that Jay wasn't in his apartment at the time. I don't know why they would do that, but then I'm not an arsonist.

Entry 26

 Alright, so I'm guessing this is the end of the first "season"? ...So... why didn't Alex just throw the camera away? I mean he seemed to be doing fine until somebody messed with the camera, so why not just throw it in a river? I mean, yeah pollution is bad. But still.

Ah well. I guess I'll end this here. I'll pick it up when I don't have class in the morning.


  1. Hey Blanche, know any good jokes about Sodium?

  2. Oh well. Back on topic. Why can't Slender Man just leaf these guys alone?

  3. I think the root of the problem is that they made him angry.

  4. Perhaps he should branch out and try some less violent methods to deal with his anger.

  5. I dunno. His bark does seem to be a bit worse than his bite.

  6. Ben was knocking?

    You know, Ben, if you want to avoid those references, you should stop being so awesome at creating them.

    Also, you guys are not punny. At all.

  7. *snickers* Awesome set of jokes, guys.

    *goes back to bein a creepy lurker*

  8. What? I've had a lurker all this time?

    Welcome to non-lurker status Theta! It's nice to meet you. I swear, I don't bite. I get things to do my biting for me. ;)
