Friday, July 29, 2011

Ben Here

Hey guys. Blanche cut out the song and dance this time and let me have her password this time. How boring is that?

Anyway, I'm supposed to welcome her new follower and stalker. So welcome Theta and Teach.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Rabbit Hole

So, reverse-stalking Theta has led me to a plethora of "Slenderblogs". Every one I click on leads me to five more. This is interesting, but I simply don't have the time to go through all of these. Most of them don't seem to be very good. I mean, a lot of them are really interesting. But I'm busy. Mid term paper is due tomorrow, Ben is a jackass, I've got my blogging, and still need to do Part 2 of MH, and the totheark videos. Plus I hear Every Man Hybrid is also good. I may want to check that out as well sometime.

So, in short, I'm procrastinating on my procrastination by doing the very thing that I'm procrastinating.


Monday, July 25, 2011

Marble Hornets Part 1

Well, I did say that I would be watching these. And it is light out, so here it goes. I'll try to get through all forty + of them, and type up my thoughts as I'm watching them. Well, this is just up to episode 26, but still. You know what I mean. It's sorta like a liveblog. I guess.


I'm back in control of my own blog. Ben's got his own now, so he can stop stealing mine. Theoretically.

Anyway, Ben told me about that thing of Quezzy's. I'm gonna have to remember to check out that Marble Hornets thing sometime. Ben says I have to wait until the sun comes up, because he isn't dealing with my paranoia if he doesn't have to. That jerk.

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Good luck guessing your new password eh?

Owait! Since I'm typing this that means...

And not talking to me, Blanche? You wound me.

Saturday, July 23, 2011


You and I need to exchange some words. This was the latest captcha your blog gave me.

I do not appreciate the insinuation. You and your blog need to have a nice long chat about accusing people of being "lessebo"s. And maybe a little discussion on spelling as well. >:(

And before I forget, iced coffee is amazing. You have no taste.


Took me all day, but I managed to crack the new password Ben set up. Good luck guessing the new password mother fucker.

Fuck you Ben. I'm not talking to you.

Friday, July 22, 2011


Dearest Blanche!

I've hijacked your blog, and there ain't a damn thing you can do about it.

With all my love,

Ps. You forgot to tell them about how you screamed like a little girl when I "snuck up" on you.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

A little be-lated, but here it is.

Alright, we weren't able to find a camera that could film in the dark, so no visual documentation of what happened. C'est la vie.

Here's what happened: Absolutely nothing.

Ben and I walked around his dark house with candles for a few hours, and aside from some painful shin wounds I received when I bumped into his coffee table, nothing of interest happened. There was a reason I decided to ask Ben to help me out with this one. Ben has been my best friend since we were in the first grade. He knows I'm afraid of the dark, and how to keep me from psyching myself out too much. I suppose if I wanted a super fun post full of psychotic ramblings, I should have done it without him, but we all know I would have been hiding within the circle of salt within fifteen minutes if he wasn't there to keep me grounded. In short I sacrificed the fun parts for my sanity. Maybe when I grow a backbone I'll do it again without him, but we all know that isn't about to happen.

Sorry I made you all wait for nothing. I wish I had something cool for you after all that hype.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Friday, July 8, 2011

Bring it on

Midnight Man! So, I talked to my buddy Ben. He says that we can do the Midnight Game at his apartment tonight. Hopefully before then we'll be able to find some way of recording it. I don't own a camera, I'll see if I can't pick up a cheap one before the game starts. That could be fun. I'll probably post the results, video or not, tomorrow-ish. Wish me luck!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Midnight Man

Check this out! It sounds pretty interesting. I missed my opportunity to do it tonight. Maybe I'll get a couple friends together and give it a shot over the weekend. If I do end up doing it, I'll be sure to tell you all how it goes.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

My list of dreams

I've got a list of things I plan on doing sometime before I die. I figure I should share them with you. Well, not really. I just figure I should have them written down somewhere and I'm sitting here at four-thirty in the morning and don't have much better to do.

♦ Use a phrase that no one else on the internet has used before. Like "mandatory sex party" or "JarJar you're a genius". However, both of those are taken, so I'll have to come up with something else.

♦ Become a professional writer. Right now I'm an amateur novelist. Well, amateur chapterist really. I haven't written a full novel. Yet!

♦ Write something that gets it's own entry on Nothing would make me happier.

♦ Join the FBI. No, seriously how badass would that be? I've always wanted to help catch bad guys.

♦ Become a real adult who doesn't stay up at night vigilantly watching for monsters, or surfing the internet like some sort of internet addict.

♦ Barring joining a legitimate law enforcement agency, become an ace detective, a la Sherlock Holmes or Monk or someone.

♦ Fire a gun with incendiary rounds.

♦ Make and eat a chocolate soufflé.

♦ Visit a foreign country.

♦ Get a passport so I can leave the country.

♦ Learn every language ever.

♦ Become a cultural anthropologist, or maybe an archaeologist. Perhaps a paleontologist. Or maybe a miner. Nevermind. Mining looks like way too much work. I just like to dig.

♦ Defeat the evil demons who are after my soul.

♦ Try all 32 flavors at Baskin Robins.

♦ Locate a Baskin Robins.

♦ Figure out how that Sonic restaurant works.

♦ Get over my fear of heights.

♦ Climb a mountain.

♦ Cut down a tree.

♦ Write and/or draw a comic.

♦ Become awesome  Done!

And here we are (Edited a whole bunch)

You know how it is when you sleep in a semi-unfamiliar place. You know the layout just enough to navigate the place, but aren't comfortable enough to say close the curtains? That's what's going on right now. I can't sleep due to the fact that there is about a 50-50 chance there is some sort of monster hiding just out of sight. I know it can see me with the curtains open, but that means that I can see it too. And who knows? Maybe it'll go berserk and kill me if I close the curtains. All I know is watching the planter sway in the wind out of the corner of my eye is making me believe that that 50-50 should read more like 75-25 in favor of a monster trying to kill me.

Edit: I went out to the garage (where my grandparents keep their soda and various other edible items I wanted) to grab me a soda, because I had just finished my mountain dew (could this have any correlation to my insomnia? I doubt it. I've spent the past ten years developing an immunity to iocane powder.) When I realized that the door from the garage itself to the rest of the house was not locked. Now, not only was it not locked, it was open a smidge. It doesn't have a real lock, only one of those chain locks. You know the ones that wouldn't keep anyone with a half decent kick out of the house. Well, I can only hope that those chains are protected against garage monsters (The infestations we have around these parts can get pretty bad this time of year) because that is the only thing keeping the garage monsters out. And now I don't have a pepsi.

Edit Edit: I read back over this post and realized how ridiculous I must sound. I do not actually believe in monsters, there's just little other way for me to describe the sudden terror that the dark brings me. The feeling that I am almost definitely about to get my head bitten off by some horrible abomination or something similarly fatal. Yes, I'm twenty years old and afraid of the dark. Yes I use my computer as a nightlight when I go to bed. Step off.

Edit Edit Edit: Alright. I'm hearing a weird banging noise I've never heard before from outside. Almost certainly going to die.

Edit Edit Edit Edit: Oh. The noise was just really loud thunder. I'm totally not about to die then, even if there are thunder and lightning monsters. I've got an earth elemental who totally owes me one.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Visiting with my grandparents

I decided to visit my grandparents today along with my father. They were out when we arrived, which wasn't a big deal. I mean, they were going to have to come by at some point. They only live here.

Anyway, while they were out we noticed that one of the cats had knocked over this horrid statue of Donald Trump my grandmother owns for one reason or another. My father and I found it hilarious. We always hated that statue. When my grandparents got home, it seemed like they didn't like the statue much either. I'm not really sure why they didn't try to get rid of it if they didn't like it being there, but here we are. It all seems somewhat Seinfeldian.

I kinda want to take a nap now. And by kinda I mean really. And by really I mean I'm about twelve seconds away from passing out. It's a shame nobody is letting me sleep. Those jerks.


I was all excited for sleep. I've got a job interview in oh... two hours now. So I was super pumped to go to sleep at a reasonable hour and wake up fresh as a daisy and answer all sorts of inane questions about what kind of worker I am and how awesome I'll be at the job being offered.

Only, trollbrain had other thoughts. It was all "Oh. It's five in the morning and you want to go to sleep? That sucks bro." And here I am. This is gonna be fun.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Sometimes I think my brain is trying to kill me.

So, there I was in what has been lovingly dubbed my "cave" by my family, when I realized that I was kinda hungry. And by kinda I mean, I'm pretty sure I forgot to eat again. Anyway, my choices were to stay in the safety of my cave and starve to death, or call upon the map who will tell me I must venture forth through the perilous maze of shit my sister has left in front of my door, down the stairs that may or may not be blocked off through, cross through the living room as quickly and silently as possible to reach the kitchen.

Eventually my stomach made it very clear that I would not be wasting away in my cave if it had a say in the matter, and I put on my battle face ready to undertake my quest. The first two phases of my quest went surprisingly well. The normal maze of rubbish was simply not present and the stairs were shockingly clear of any obstruction. It was the living room portion that gave me trouble. I noticed that my step brother was watching Doctor Who, a show I had accidentally gotten him addicted to earlier in the month. Because I am a total Whooligan and can't not sit down and watch an episode if it's one, I plopped down on the couch and forgot all about my quest to get something to eat.

After the episode was finished, I picked myself back up and went back to my cave. Because, well that's just where I live now. I played pokémon for a bit, because I am a total child and love that game more than most things. I'm actually doing a Nuzloke run of Emerald soon. I might have to post screenshots of it on here. That could be fun.

Anyway, an hour or two of pokémon induced trance was broken when my stomach kindly informed me that if I did not complete the quest for something to eat it would be leaving to find a stomach-less person who would remember to feed it every day. Only in less words and more "Oh God oh God I'm totally gonna die" type feeling. Since my stomach leaving would be a bloody mess, and blood is extremely difficult to get out of my bedding I re-emerged from my cave. Blinking at the unfamiliar sensation of light that was not filtered through a DS screen.

I managed to once more make my way through the various obstacles that impeded me from my original goal of trying to get something to eat. This time I managed to resist the temptations of watching Doctor Who, mainly because watching it with my step brother is pretty unbearable. I don't understand how he can like Rose more than Donna. Donna was amazing.

And there I had it. Tortilla chips. The dinner of champions right there. So, my goal completed I made my way back to the cave to eat my chips. Because, you know what was the point otherwise?

Right fast forward a few hours. The chips are long forgotten, and I'm about ready to try my hand at that sleeping thing I've heard so much about. It's about four in the morning now, and all of the lights in the house are out. So, my quest had just been put on hard mode. Well, I was all "Challenge accepted!" and managed to feel my way past the various obstacles and not kill myself going down the stairs and even managed to sneak silently through the living room without waking my step brother who was sleeping on the couch. I was feeling quite proud of myself until it came time to actually put the chips away. We keep our snack foods in a cabinet next to the sink. As I bent down to put the chips in the snack cabinet, my face was met with something warm and fuzzy.

Naturally, my first instinct was to panic. I screamed (waking up my parents and step brother in the process) and put as much distance between myself and the sensation that was not supposed to be there as possible. That happened to land me against the kitchen table where I automatically searched for a weapon until my brain caught up with the primal panic that I was experiencing. I realized that I had panicked (and again, woken my entire household) for no reason. It was my cat, who just wanted to say hello.

Now, I've had this cat for most of my life. I know exactly what his fur feels like. I should have been able to guess that that was what it was right off, but no. My brain was just trolling me. That fucker.


Oh hai there blog I forgot for about two months. I'm sorry I've been a bad blogger. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. Here. Have a picture.