Thursday, May 26, 2011

Instead of sleeping

I've been looking around for new blogs to follow. I have found that I really hate the way blogspot does their finding new blogs. I tried the search function but somehow it didn't seem to work. Maybe I'm just doing it wrong. I dunno, I'm not all that tech savvy to be honest.

Anywho, I've been clicking the next blog button, and after forty-five minutes of searching came up with two blogs that seemed rather interesting. And one of them I accidentally lost before I could follow. And now I can't seem to find it again. Dammit.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Hell Girl

Oh goodie! Hell Girl is on Netflix. Netflix is a pretty fantastic service. I get to watch all kinds of things I normally wouldn't be able to. Although, they only have the dubbed version of animes. I prefer subs, but that's just because in general the quality of the voice acting is a bit higher. Funimation has some pretty good voice actors. Like Laura Bailey and Monica Rial. I'm a total Monica Rial fangirl. If I hear she's voice acting I've gotta watch it. Sorta like if I hear Summer Glau is going to be in a show I'm more-or-less obligated to watch it.

But I seem to have gotten off topic. I remember reading the first four or so volumes of the manga last year. Or maybe it was the year before. I only vaguely remember some of it. The basic premise seems to be, one asshole tortures some innocent victim for a while, and they snap and call in the titular Hell Girl. Hell Girl then takes makes them run through a tortured maze of horrors for a while, and then the subordinates who may or may not have real names ask the asshole if they're going to confess to their sins. In the episodes I've watched so far they haven't. I wonder what would happen if they did.

Now, I've just finished up the third episode, so I'm not sure what the overarching plot is. If there is one. It could be like the Twilight Zone where every episode is stand alone. I wonder.

Edit: Ok. Just once I want to hear one of the people say "Go to Hell" as they pull the thread. It'll be hilarious.

Edit 2: It took eight episodes, but there seems to be an overarching plot starting up. Whoooo.

Edit 3: Hey. What happens if someone types Hell Girl's name onto the website? Would she just ignore it?

Monday, May 23, 2011

An alarming trend (Edited)

So, I've been playing the shit out of Heart Gold lately. Seriously, there has been so much HGing going on my days have been little more than a pokémon filled haze. I think at one point I was grinding my team up, while reading a Crystal LP and watching this again. I think I may have a problem.

Anyway, that's not what I really wanted to talk about. No, that was just background. In Heart Gold all the trainers who keep calling me seem to have a disturbing obsession with rattata. Why? Why is every trainer in Johto trying to catch a rattata? At first it was just Youngster Joey harassing me every five minutes about his "top fucking percentage" rattata, but then Picnicker Liz and even Gina started calling me to whine about how they couldn't catch one. What kind of shitty-ass trainer can't catch a rattata? And hoppips! Everyone's all about the hoppips nowadays. Trainers who don't even have hoppips are talking about their hoppips. Whyyyyyyyyyy?

Edit: Apparently Juggler Irwin is a creepy mother fucker. He keeps calling me every time I win a new badge. I have a pokéstalker, and I don't like it.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I don't know if anyone really cares about this, but it is Finals week. Yaaaaaaaaaaay. That means that all that work I've been putting off for the past semester is due in like... twelve hours. And instead of doing it I'm writing a blog post and fucking around on Reddit. Also reading because Allie is like a bazillion times funnier and more entertaining than I could ever hope to be. Seriously, if anyone reads this I suggest you go over and read her blog, because it's better than my own. I'm subscribed to her on my other account, and can't seem to do the same on this account. Which is fine, I wouldn't want to artificially inflate her account with my double-subscription.

Anyway, I've got a ten page research paper due in twelve hours. Also a short review for every story we've "read" in class this semester. And I sorta didn't read any of them, because they were stupid and I hated them. Sure, I regret that now, but what do you people want from me? To act like a responsible adult? The hell are you people smoking?

Right well, I figured I would be up all night, and tried to prepare myself for the occasion by buying myself some Rockstar. I forgot just how much I hate Rockstar. It tastes like battery acid, and makes me feel sick. The only energy drinks I hate more than Rockstar are... all of them. In fact, now that I think about it all energy drinks suck. Red Bull tastes like smarties but gives me jet engines. Cocaine is nearly impossible to find and tastes like really strong cough syrup but similarly gives me jet engines. Monster... what does Monster taste like? Depends on the type of Monster I guess. Regular green tastes like acidic piss. Blue tastes like diet acidic piss. Kaos is delicious, but wasn't on sale. Tears forever. Assault tastes vaguely like fruit punch and acidic piss. That purple stuff... is there even a word for that taste? And I haven't tried the yellow stuff. NOS is pretty damn good, but way too expensive for me. Any and all "coffee" flavored energy drinks seem to be awesome, but again too expensive. I remember trying this thing called No Fear, but haven't seen it in the stores ever since. Maybe I just imagined that one.

So those were all the energy drinks I could think of. Rockstar is my favorite. Because... I don't know. I always think to myself "Fuck yeah! Rockstar!" and then I drink the Rockstar and realize... fuck. Rockstar.

Oh, cleaning out the garage yielded the bounty of my old Pokémon cards! Yay! I sorted through them, made a deck and trounced my baby sister in a game. It was pretty funny. Then she accidentally spilled milk all over my psychic-type pile, and I decided to give them to her.

Yeah. I really should go write that paper.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Full Metal Alchemist

I loved the original anime, and have recently started watching Brotherhood. The original anime had it's flaws, specifically it's deviance from the manga's plot and the ending. That ending dragged on way longer than it needed to. I honestly believe that the last five or so episodes could have been condensed into one without losing too much. But I digress.

I'm enjoying Brotherhood immensely. I've only minor quibbles so far. Firstly, Rose's hair. In the original anime it was a much brighter pink. Secondly, the opening. It's a nice song, I've just got a slight problem with it. Somewhere towards the middle the opening shows the Ed's arm and leg dissolving followed by Al's whole body going. Then Winry staggering in what appears to be a strong wind. The whole thing loses a fair bit of the dramatic impact away, wouldn't you agree? Also, the split screens. I fucking hate split screens.

Ah well. As I said, minor quibbles. I'm still really enjoying it.

Edit: Ed has the same VA as Tamaki from Ouran. I can not get over this.

Edit again: Ugh. Nina. Tears forever.

Another Edit: Ugh. Hughes. Tears forever. Additionally, this is moving much more quickly than the original anime did. Perhaps it's because I'm watching the episodes more or less back to back.

Final Edit: Oh damn. The season ends at episode 13? So angry.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Once upon a night before last I was introduced to a game called Yume Nikki. They told me it was quite frighting, and since I'm a sucker for scary games I figured I would check it out. So far, I am not impressed game. Not impressed at all.

I am somewhat technologically challenged. And by that it I mean it took me nearly five hours to get the damn thing running. I'm sure smarter people could do it faster, but I'm me and really only know how to browse the internet and use Word. And paint. Gotta love MS Paint. Anyway, after five hours of yelling at my computer trying to Google the answer (I do like how Google Chrome recognizes Google as a word.) I figured this game had best be fucking worth it.

I'm still not so sure. It's interesting. There's something unsettling about it, but I would be more weirded out if I understood what I was supposed to be doing. In the beginning of the game you're given some very simple instructions. Go to sleep, explore the dream world, wake up and save. Seems simple enough, except the dream world is pretty massive. Aside from the dream world replica of the bedroom there's twelve worlds to choose from.

I chose the green door, because it looked pleasant. It ended up sending me to a forest world, which would have been fine by me if not for the creepy totem-lookin-thing stalking me throughout the level. Seriously. That thing was weird as fuck. Anyway, I wandered around the forest for a while, and couldn't figure out what to do. Seriously, I have no idea what this game wants from me. There were these random spiked pillar-things. Standing between them changed stuff, and made a giraffe-woman attack me. I got stuck in a room of four squares and couldn't do anything. Then I figured out how to wake up and saved.

I'm gonna try again soon. I know I can figure this one out.