Monday, August 22, 2011


The day for my departure for KU is rapidly approaching. The closer it gets, the more nervous I become. I just didn't realize I could become this nervous. I don't know if I can do this guys. I've never lived on my own before. I know Ben will be there. I know I'll have a roommate and all that. I'm just really nervous. Some little nagging voice telling me that I'm almost certainly going to burst into flames if I do this.

I'm given to understand that this is totally normal.

My mom's really excited. She made the least dignified sound I've ever heard just now. Sort of like she was choking on her own excitement. It was... I never want to hear that sound again. It'll be playing on the elevators in my personal hell.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


I've seen lots of pictures of amusing Omegle conversations, and thought I would try to have one of my own.

I think I nailed it.

Saturday, August 13, 2011


My cousin and his baby are in town and oh my God is that baby too cute for words! No, I don't think you understand. We don't have a word for how cute that baby is. We just don't.

Now. I'm gonna go play with the cute baby. Ya'll do whatever it is ya'll do when not playing with cute babies.

So cute.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

And to think, I could have been mining

So, today Ben and Dev decided that I should go outside. I don't know what sort of fucked up world they're living in, but outside and I don't really like each other that much. It frequently tries to kill me with it's pollen and bees and metal horse-less chariots and the like. I rather enjoy being not-killed, so outside and I only interact when absolutely necessary.

Anyway, so I emerged from my cave, blinking against the harsh unfamiliar sensation of the light of the day star, and went out to interact with my friends. It was pretty fun I guess. Nothing really spectacular happened. Well, it rained. I played in the puddles for a bit.

And then it stopped raining, and I was cold and wet the rest of they day. And then I had an allergy attack of epic proportions, and am fairly certain I'm about to die. So yeah, "it's not that bad".

Monday, August 8, 2011

See Quezzy, this is how it's done

Ben's captcha is much smarter than Quezzy's. For one, it spelled the word it was going for correctly. Second of all, it accurately described me. So, sorry Quezzy. Ben wins this round. And with that code prank you pulled, you two are about tied. You may have to go into the Murderdrome to settle this one.

The captcha in question. I do have a certain flair, don't I?

Saturday, August 6, 2011


So, here's my entire thoughts on this game. God damn green blowy-upy-things, and why can't I stop smelting shit?

Friday, August 5, 2011

Oh boy!

Minecraft is F2P during the Humble Indie Bundle! I've been meaning to give this game a shot. I've heard a lot of good things about this. Maybe I'll talk about the games that I bought along with the HIB at some point. Maybe not. Who knows. Time to do some mining. Maybe some crafting as well.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Most Stressful Math Test Ever.

Seriously. Fuck math. It's the most miserable thing ever, and I suck at it.

So, last Tuesday I decided to skip. No big deal I thought, it's one class right? Well then accident happened and suddenly I'm missing the Thursday class as well. Math wasn't exactly my biggest concern at the time (Don't tell my grandma. She'll be super mad.) Well, no big deal right? When I walked into the class I made a joke about how it would be just my luck for us to have the test today.

Well guess what we did today? Spoiler alert: We took a fucking math test.

It was the worst thing ever. I didn't remember any of the stuff we did learn, and I didn't know any of the stuff I wasn't there for. And what's worse? Fractions. More than half the test was fractions. I haven't touched fractions since ninth fucking grade.

Ah man. Took me nearly the full hour and a half to do the fucking test, and I know I got more than half of it wrong. Fuck.

To put it in perspective, if the first test was the Deku Tree, then this math test was the fucking Water Temple. And the professor is that damn owl that won't shut up.


Back in business

Hey guys!

Apparently not even some drunken asshole plowing into my car at roughly a bazillion* miles an hour is enough to stop me! Typing with my arm in a cast like this is a real pain, but whatever. Granny pulled through, so go team Blanche.

Anyway, Quezzy! What's going on with you and Bob? Go on, divulge all of the dirty details my friend. Honestly, just saying "Hey we're going out now" and not updating? I expected better of you.

*May have been less than a bazillion. What am I, a speedometer?