Sunday, September 25, 2011

Roommate Scare

So, my roommate (one of my flatmates and I have evolved into roommates with the move and such) has a new boyfriend. As such, she spent the weekend at his house. Normally that wouldn't be a problem, but with what happened to Ben... Let's just say that not seeing someone, or receiving any indication that they did not mysteriously drop off the face of the earth for no apparent reason so soon after what's been happening is bad for Blanche's health.

I know I'm turning into some sort of mother hen, but still.

Also, still no news on Ben. Police have come up with nothing, there aren't any rumors going around campus, the campus officials are less-than forthcoming with any information they may or may not have. It's like he never existed.

Haven't heard much from Dev either. She hasn't been answering my calls.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

No news

Can't get him on his cell.

Rained all day. Couldn't put those posters up like I wanted to.

I don't have any idea what's going on.

What am I going to do?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

What the fuck.

I called Dev this morning. I figure if anyone's heard from him it would be his girlfriend. No dice. So, I finally broke down and went to the housing office. After jumping through way more hoops than I should have needed to, they finally managed to open his dorm.

It was empty. Completely fucking empty. No furniture, no Ben, no roommate, no sign that anyone had ever lived there at all. We've been asking around in the other rooms. Nobody has seen anyone but me go anywhere near that door for days.

Filled out a missing person's report with the police.

What the fuck.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Ohai Guyz!

Guess what I did all day! Moved my shit! Guess who didn't help! Ben! I haven't been able to get ahold of him at all, despite the fact that he promised he would help me move. He hasn't been answering my texts, and I suspect he's been giving me the FU button whenever I call. He wouldn't come to his door either. To be honest, I'm a little concerned. He's a jackass, but he generally doesn't break promises like this.

Anyway, since I'm calling him out on a public forum, I'm pretty sure he'll respond. If he doesn't I think that gives me license to worry about the little shit.

Monday, September 19, 2011

It's about time I wrote a post here.

Hey guys!

Sorry I've been gone for so long. What with my starting college in a real school, and the hurricane and all that good stuff, I've been really freaking busy. I've made a bunch of friends, and apparently picked up a stalker! Not... you know, a tall face-less stalker. Just a regular old human one. Anyway, perhaps it's unkind to call him a stalker, it's not like he doesn't do this to everyone else.

I've been asking around, and there is a term for this guy just appearing wherever the fuck I seem to be. It's called getting Lewisbombed. Seriously, I don't know what this guy's problem is. How is he everywhere I go? Why does he feel the need to knock on my door once a day? Why does he call me so much? Why did I give him my phone number?

I'm legitimately afraid that one of these days I'm gonna open my blinds and he'll be standing there like Slendy.

Anyway, things have been really hectic around here. The hurricane did some impressive water damage to our walls, and we're being moved to a different apartment while they do whatever magical anti-mold dance they need to do. I'm not looking forward to packing up all my shit so soon after unpacking, but what can you do? I've been assigned to a different room, but let's be honest. I'm probably just going to be annoying the fuck out of Ben for the two-four weeks it'll take for them to finish their work.

Anyway, sorry I haven't been around so much. I've been getting Lewisbombed every few hours or so.

EDIT: So, my roommate and her not-boyfriend got Lewisbombed as I wrote this post. I did warn them that it would probably happen if they went out there, but nooo. They just had to go out for a smoke. Nobody ever listens to Blanche.