Thursday, July 21, 2011

A little be-lated, but here it is.

Alright, we weren't able to find a camera that could film in the dark, so no visual documentation of what happened. C'est la vie.

Here's what happened: Absolutely nothing.

Ben and I walked around his dark house with candles for a few hours, and aside from some painful shin wounds I received when I bumped into his coffee table, nothing of interest happened. There was a reason I decided to ask Ben to help me out with this one. Ben has been my best friend since we were in the first grade. He knows I'm afraid of the dark, and how to keep me from psyching myself out too much. I suppose if I wanted a super fun post full of psychotic ramblings, I should have done it without him, but we all know I would have been hiding within the circle of salt within fifteen minutes if he wasn't there to keep me grounded. In short I sacrificed the fun parts for my sanity. Maybe when I grow a backbone I'll do it again without him, but we all know that isn't about to happen.

Sorry I made you all wait for nothing. I wish I had something cool for you after all that hype.


  1. Meh, it's cool.

    I'm not a fan of the dark either, but I have ways of facing that.

  2. Oh really? What are your ways?

  3. Honestly?

    Getting pissed off. I have a nasty temper, and once it starts, I just kind of... block out everything else.

    I get pissed off at myself for being afraid if I think about it for long enough.
