Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Hell Girl

Oh goodie! Hell Girl is on Netflix. Netflix is a pretty fantastic service. I get to watch all kinds of things I normally wouldn't be able to. Although, they only have the dubbed version of animes. I prefer subs, but that's just because in general the quality of the voice acting is a bit higher. Funimation has some pretty good voice actors. Like Laura Bailey and Monica Rial. I'm a total Monica Rial fangirl. If I hear she's voice acting I've gotta watch it. Sorta like if I hear Summer Glau is going to be in a show I'm more-or-less obligated to watch it.

But I seem to have gotten off topic. I remember reading the first four or so volumes of the manga last year. Or maybe it was the year before. I only vaguely remember some of it. The basic premise seems to be, one asshole tortures some innocent victim for a while, and they snap and call in the titular Hell Girl. Hell Girl then takes makes them run through a tortured maze of horrors for a while, and then the subordinates who may or may not have real names ask the asshole if they're going to confess to their sins. In the episodes I've watched so far they haven't. I wonder what would happen if they did.

Now, I've just finished up the third episode, so I'm not sure what the overarching plot is. If there is one. It could be like the Twilight Zone where every episode is stand alone. I wonder.

Edit: Ok. Just once I want to hear one of the people say "Go to Hell" as they pull the thread. It'll be hilarious.

Edit 2: It took eight episodes, but there seems to be an overarching plot starting up. Whoooo.

Edit 3: Hey. What happens if someone types Hell Girl's name onto the website? Would she just ignore it?

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