Monday, May 2, 2011

Full Metal Alchemist

I loved the original anime, and have recently started watching Brotherhood. The original anime had it's flaws, specifically it's deviance from the manga's plot and the ending. That ending dragged on way longer than it needed to. I honestly believe that the last five or so episodes could have been condensed into one without losing too much. But I digress.

I'm enjoying Brotherhood immensely. I've only minor quibbles so far. Firstly, Rose's hair. In the original anime it was a much brighter pink. Secondly, the opening. It's a nice song, I've just got a slight problem with it. Somewhere towards the middle the opening shows the Ed's arm and leg dissolving followed by Al's whole body going. Then Winry staggering in what appears to be a strong wind. The whole thing loses a fair bit of the dramatic impact away, wouldn't you agree? Also, the split screens. I fucking hate split screens.

Ah well. As I said, minor quibbles. I'm still really enjoying it.

Edit: Ed has the same VA as Tamaki from Ouran. I can not get over this.

Edit again: Ugh. Nina. Tears forever.

Another Edit: Ugh. Hughes. Tears forever. Additionally, this is moving much more quickly than the original anime did. Perhaps it's because I'm watching the episodes more or less back to back.

Final Edit: Oh damn. The season ends at episode 13? So angry.

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