Monday, May 23, 2011

An alarming trend (Edited)

So, I've been playing the shit out of Heart Gold lately. Seriously, there has been so much HGing going on my days have been little more than a pokémon filled haze. I think at one point I was grinding my team up, while reading a Crystal LP and watching this again. I think I may have a problem.

Anyway, that's not what I really wanted to talk about. No, that was just background. In Heart Gold all the trainers who keep calling me seem to have a disturbing obsession with rattata. Why? Why is every trainer in Johto trying to catch a rattata? At first it was just Youngster Joey harassing me every five minutes about his "top fucking percentage" rattata, but then Picnicker Liz and even Gina started calling me to whine about how they couldn't catch one. What kind of shitty-ass trainer can't catch a rattata? And hoppips! Everyone's all about the hoppips nowadays. Trainers who don't even have hoppips are talking about their hoppips. Whyyyyyyyyyy?

Edit: Apparently Juggler Irwin is a creepy mother fucker. He keeps calling me every time I win a new badge. I have a pokéstalker, and I don't like it.

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