Sunday, September 25, 2011

Roommate Scare

So, my roommate (one of my flatmates and I have evolved into roommates with the move and such) has a new boyfriend. As such, she spent the weekend at his house. Normally that wouldn't be a problem, but with what happened to Ben... Let's just say that not seeing someone, or receiving any indication that they did not mysteriously drop off the face of the earth for no apparent reason so soon after what's been happening is bad for Blanche's health.

I know I'm turning into some sort of mother hen, but still.

Also, still no news on Ben. Police have come up with nothing, there aren't any rumors going around campus, the campus officials are less-than forthcoming with any information they may or may not have. It's like he never existed.

Haven't heard much from Dev either. She hasn't been answering my calls.

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